Project Description
Esplanade, Kirkcaldy Coastal Assessment
Coastal Erosion, Flood Risk and Wave Overtopping Assessment
Client: Grant Road Properties Ltd
Date: 2020
This project involved a coastal erosion assessment and a wave overtopping assessment for part of the Kirkcaldy coastline, south of the Tiel Burn.
The coastal erosion assessment included a walkover geomorphology survey of the site and surrounding beaches/shorelines, review of literature on sediment cells and coastal processes along the Fife coast, compilation of historical map data showing changes in the shoreline (MHWS and MLWS) over time to establish any trends and consultation with the council. This led to an assessment of likely local coastal processes at the site and assessment of controls on beach erosion.
The wave analysis assessment was based on standard empirical equations to calculate offshore and nearshore waves, based on wave runup and overtopping analysis using the EurOtop (2018) manual methods. Calculation of offshore wave heights, near shore waves, extreme sea levels and joint probability analysis of waves and sea levels was also undertaken.
The work was written up in a detailed report, which assessed coastal flood risk and coastal erosion risk to support the planning application for the proposed development site.